Herberger Business School

Business Honors Program

We are no longer accepting applications for the HBS Honors Program.

Current HBS Honors Program students are still able to complete the program. Please contact the 哈佛商学院的建议 & Student Success Center for additional information.


The Business Honors Program is more than an academic program, it is a mindset. The program is for students who enjoy a challenge, who want to make a difference, and aren't afraid to go after their dreams.

It provides opportunities for driven students to engage more closely with community members, like-minded peers and professors. With this advanced experiential learning offering, students position themselves to become our next generation of leaders.

Direct questions to:

Herberger Business School Advising and Student Success Center
229 Centennial Hall
Phone: (320) 308-3214
电子邮件: busadvising@chinaartune.com


The following students are eligible to apply:

  • Incoming first-year students who have been accepted to the University Honors Program.
  • Current students, not in the University Honors Program, with a minimum of 12 SCSU credits and a minimum 3.25日平均绩点.
  • 转移 students with a minimum 12 credits completed at the home institution and a minimum 3.25日平均绩点.

Application Process

A completed application, unofficial transcript, and essay should be delivered to the 哈佛商学院的建议 and Student Success Center in Centennial Hall 229 or emailed to busadvising@chinaartune.com

Applications are considered on an ongoing basis. For best results, submit applications by the following dates:

  • Fall Semester due by March 1
  • Spring Semester due by Oct. 1

Program Requirements

A student must successfully complete at least 15 credits of honors business courses to receive verification of an Herberger Business School Honors major on an official transcript.

Students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.

Course Offerings

HON 100: Honors Seminar I (Does not count towards the 15 credits of honors business courses)
ACCT 292: Accounting II
BLAW 235: The Legal, Ethical, and Global 环境 of Business
MGMT 201: Introduction to Professional Management
MKTG 220: Introduction to Marketing
MKTG 333: Business Communication Strategies
IS 340: Management Information Systems
FIRE 371: Managerial Finance
ACCT/FIRE/IS/MGMT/MKTG 498: Business Consulting
MGMT 497: Strategic Management 


Honors sections of business courses will be smaller than non-honors sections and limited to 25-30 students. Courses typically include additional discussion and experiential learning components. Students in the Business Honors Program will be given the privilege to register on the first day of registration and receive application assistance for scholarships and other awards. They will have access to additional research and community service opportunities.

Students may apply for the Soroko - Ditlevson Endowed Business Honors Scholarship on the Huskies Scholarships website.

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